Posts in Green
CO2 Emissions

In the journey to going green, there are so many things to consider! There are so many things bring thrown at you that it can be overwhelming - sometimes so much so that if can have the opposite affect. It can cause you to feel a little panicked and wonder what difference you can make?

Through my journey to make my home-life - and our Massage Me business life - more sustainable, I’ve found some great tools that can help you to make individual changes that together will add up to real change. But first…

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Recycling in the French Alps

Before settling in the alps permanently, I was doing winter seasons for over a decade - plus about 5 summers in Corsica - and yet I still struggle with the French bin system. I’m not 100% sure what goes where! 

Having then spoken to the team in the Massage Me office, I realised I wasn’t alone. Which got me thinking. If we, who have chosen to live here don’t really understand how to make the most of the system, what chance to staff who are passing through for maybe just 6 months or less? 

After discussing it in the office and saying that “someone” should be educating the seasonnaires in the resorts about waste management. I realised that we / I am “someone”! So here goes…

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