Why Work with Massage Me

If you are thinking of heading out to the French Alps for a change of scene - perhaps it is your first job abroad, or perhaps you are a keen ‘seasonnaire’ looking for good ski time - you will have a lot of questions! There are always things you must think about when taking on a new role, but if you are also moving abroad to work, there are a couple of extra hurdles to think about. So here are a few things to make sure you are asking of a new employer - also answered for our Massage Me therapists :

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Can I legally work in France?

Legality to work in France is a must for our Massage Me team. Things to be aware of are nationality, whether your home country has a working agreement with France and also employment status to work in France.

Nationality - The majority of our practitioners are UK based, French or from other European countries. However, we do have therapists from further afield.

Employment status - we have different contracts based on different roles. For example, our spa practitioners will be on fixed-term French contracts (CDD) whilst our mobile team are freelance positions meaning you need to be declared as a self-employed person. If you are not already self-employed, then we can help and advise you on how to set this up. It’s super simple and can be done whilst you are employed in a different role.


Will Brexit affect this legality?

I think it’s fair to say, there isn’t a company in hospitality that Brexit won’t affect! Right now, we have plans A - Z ready to roll out, depending on how things progress throughout the rest of 2020. However, what we can categorically say, with 100% certainty is that :

  • all Massage Me therapists will be legally allowed to work in France

  • all Massage Me therapists will be paid correctly and legally

  • all Massage Me therapists will receive the correct benefits they are entitled to, working in France

How Will Covid-19 Affect my season?

You might be wondering how the current pandemic will affect both your work and your social time and experiences in the alps. We are working hard at Massage Me to make sure that all our 2021/22 team have a fantastic experience with us. From securing more exclusive partnerships and projects for our therapists; to improving our menus and customer service, we are confident that each member of our team that we recruit out to the winter will be as busy as they want to be! As well as having lots of time to explore the area - on skis, a snowboard or in some other way!

Have a look at our other pages in relation to our Covid-19 policies and also our social media channels for how winter 2020 have been - spoiler alert: it’s been pretty great!

Recruitment 2021 Massage Me

Where will I live?

With Massage Me, we cover a large geographical area of the French alps, meaning there are many choices! Please have a look at our locations pages to see which resorts we cover. There is then the choice of whether to live in the ski resort or perhaps lower in the valley / to live alone or with other team members / ?! the questions will be endless! However, our staff support team are on hand to help you with this every step of the way.

Who will I be working with?

Please have a look at our office team pages here to put some faces to names! These are the people you will be talking and emailing a lot during the recruitment process, and it’s often nice to put a face to a name before the initial conversation.

Then we also have our therapist team photos from last season, which you can enjoy having a look at. We are also super happy to be welcoming several of these staff back for ski season 2020 - which means we must be doing something right!

How busy will I be?

Massage Me have an exclusive network of partners: ski chalet operators, large Tour Operators, hotels and spas. Working with us means you gain exclusive access to these clients. Our therapists then all have dedicated chalets that become their ‘family’ of properties. Like this, you begin to build up relationships with people, understand the clients’ needs, and are comfortable with the chalet location.

The unique setup means we can confidently recruit our therapist team, knowing that they will be busy throughout the week. Numbers do vary from ski resort to ski resort, and so it is best to discuss in more detail with us during the recruitment process.

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I love my job, but I also want to ski! Will I have time?

In a word, YES! If you look at our office team profiles, you will see that - apart from Lucie, who was born and bred in the alps! - the rest of our team initially arrived out here to ski… over a decade ago! Our love of skiing, mountain biking in the summer, fitness and wellbeing has meant we have relocated here to spend our lives doing what we love.